Renewable Energy
Are you thinking about installing distributed energy (solar or wind generation)? Flint Hills REC supports renewable generation and is ready to work with our members who want to install their own generation to help our environment, be more independent, and control their own energy costs.
Flint Hills REC does require the following in order for a distributed generation system to run in parallel with its distribution system.
Those requirements are:
1. The system has to be appropriately sized. In order to be appropriately sized you will need to use the formula below to determine the size.
Flint Hills RECA Sizing Formula

Divide 50% of the Customer-generator’s historic electric consumption in kilowatt-hours for the previous 12 month period by 8,760 (hours/year); and divide the quotient by a capacity factor of 20% (0.2) for solar energy resource or 25% (0.25) for a wind energy resource. If the Cooperative does not have adequate historic electric consumption data for the customer, the historic consumption shall be 7.15 kilowatt-hours per square foot of above-grade conditioned space.
In this formula, let’s say the total kWh consumption of your home over a 12 month period was 15,470 kWh. You would take 50% of 15,470 kWh which would be 7,735 kWh. We would then take 7,735 kWh divided by 8760 (hours/year) would give us .89 kWh/hr. We then take the .89 kWh/hr. divided by a capacity factor of .2 would give us an appropriately sized system of 4.45 kWh of installed renewable energy.
2. Flint Hills REC does not allow load limiting devices or de-rating of the system to fit the appropriate size.
3. You must submit an application (download below) along with the application fee before installing your distributed generation system. The application will be reviewed by our engineering team, once approved construction can begin.
Document Downloads
Parallel Generation Rider - Renewable Generation